
think & ask

Isn't the library profession a dinosaur, facing extinction by the impact of the digital age?

Well, librarians who aren't adaptable may well go extinct. But many keep up with the times -- more like little mammals w/ a bright future than big lizards facing doom. marten

Are librarians rich?

Financially, they do pretty well (some do very well). In knowledge and information, they're among the wealthiest on Earth.

How does one become a librarian?

Real librarians go to graduate school.

Are all librarians kind of weird?

No comment.

Is library school easy?

Nope. But it can be fun and interesting. (This Web site was made in a library school class!)

Isn't Google way better than a library any day?

You can experience Google at your library; you can't experience your library on Google (except digitized bits). Librarians use Google -- as just one tool of many.

How do librarians have an "unfair advantage" over most folks in the digital age?

Do I need a library degree to be info literate?

No. But library schools can give you a great (even unfair) advantage.

Other questions? Ask the first-year library student.  
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