21st century library/
marija dalbello

  marija dalbello
assistant professor at scils

digitalisation and/or globalisation

how will the digital age affect cultures of the small communities?

how may digital libraries change our perception of
the past and the way we understand cultural heritage?

marija dalbello: there are assumptions we make that are completely romantic and it is that we are creating these collections and all of the sudden everybody is going to be engaged with them

... i would say that digital libraries have the opportunity to create and distribute information within a global infrastructure as information about the local ... than the whole issue of local and global could play itself out in the language that allows for sharing

... we have the ability to go beyond the national heritage as information presenting identity to presenting experiences of very local nature

click here to hear the whole talk in the section multimedia

marija dalbello's web page at scils

voices of the faculty
marija dalbello
james d. anderson

preparation at scils
user-centred design
digital libraries