21st century library/
user-centred design

  design of user-centred information systems

user is the king, is not it so?
all the useful material is always somewhere else than
where it is supposed to be, because...
systems do not make sense once they start to deal with people

anyway, librarians should know - they call themselves information specialists, by using some intriguing interrogative methods they get out of users what they actually want, because users have no clue.

There is no cure for all the people with anomalous state of knowledge, cognitive insufficiency, information disorientation,
except the reference desk and sense-making information system

but this is really a "local" joke
just for those initiated, but they know anyway

however, first we have to know what people need,
so we can act accordingly - we should not design system
and expect people to adapt to the system - it just won't work

voices of the faculty
marija dalbello
james d. anderson

preparation at scils
user-centred design
digital libraries