21st century library/
digital libraries

  digital libraries

the keyhole into time to come

lector: tefko saracevic
web site: digital libraries

in the beginning everyone knew
where one's place was...
then people became confused, anxious
and isolated...
everything is in flux
nothing is set - there are no rules yet

voices of the faculty
marija dalbello
james d. anderson

preparation at scils
user-centred design
digital libraries

sources for the development of digital libraries

d-lib forum - an on-line magazine dedicated to the issues of digital libraries from all possible angles - excellent introductory tool

digital library federation - they claim to offer information about developing digital collections and managing networked information for scholarship, education, and cultural progress and they are right

unesco - guidelines for establishing digitisation programmes
in libraries and archives; nice international approach

d-lib edu - tefko's notorious web site linking all the important aspects of digital libraries and information retrieval

digital library initiative 2 - this site is one of the obligatory ones, one just sees what the issues are, who deals with them, and how much still has to be done