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  How does Souvenir work?

 Souvenir time-stamps your notes and uses this timing information
 to establish a link with the timeline of the related audio/video recording.

 1.      Take notes while audio/video is being recorded or played.

 2.      Upload your notes to your computer.

 3.      Linking your notes with the related media recording.

 4.      Double click on a note and the related audio/video is played.

 5.      Fine tune the relationship between notes and associated media.

 6.      Edit and expand your notes into a report.

1. Take notes while audio/video is recorded or played.

You're already taking notes during a lecture, interview, focus group or meeting. You name it.

You could be there in person or remotely via the phone, teleconferencing or the Internet.

At the same time, the recording or playback of audio/video occurs on your palmtop, laptop, desktop computer or an Internet server.

Souvenir enables you to link your notes to the appropriate media recording wherever it exists. Once linked, you can use your notes to instantly recall specific moments.

2. Uploading your notes to your computer.

If you are taking notes using a CrossPad, Palm Pilot, Visor or Windows CE handheld computer, then you can upload your notes to the Souvenir Desktop, which let's you manage your notes and access the related media recording wherever it exists.

3. Linking your notes with the related media recording.

a) Souvenir performs the synchronization automatically if you choose to record the audio/video on the same device used for taking notes or you choose to play it back using the Souvenir Media Player. It keeps track of when and how you recorded or played audio/video.

b) In all other cases, you simply need to identify a specific media moment to be linked with a specific note. After that, Souvenir does the rest.

4. Double click on a note and the related audio/video is played.

Click & Play - If the media recording resides on your computer, then the playback will begin instantly. If the recording is stored on a server, then Souvenir makes a request via the network to have the desired moment streamed to your computer.

5. Fine tune the relationship between notes and the associated media.

You can change the time that a specific note points to in a media recording.

For example, there might have been a delay between a noteworthy moment and when you took the corresponding note. So you want to change the start time.

This way you can fine tune the relationship between your media-enabled notes and the related recording. You may want to do this because you want to share your Souvenir notes with others. Or some of your notes will constitute the beginning of a report you need to create.

6. Edit your notes and create a report.

Your handwritten notes or typed notes can form the basis of a report.

Souvenir enables you to convert your handwritten notes into media-enabled text without losing the valuable media links.

You can annotate your handwritten notes or add new text and link it to the desired moments in the media recording.

You can rearrange, cut and paste your media-enabled text to create the desired flow of your report.