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 Guided Tour

6 – Create Text Notes – Automatic Media Synchronization

Section SIX shows you how to create your own text notes as you are watching media and how the appropriate media can be automatically linked to your notes.


New Document – Create a new document.


Select the text view by clicking on the "text only" icon Text Only Icon. You will see an empty list with a "blinking cursor" at the top.


Load Media URL – Pull down the "File" menu in the Souvenir Media Player and enter or copy the following URL:
Once the file has loaded, press "play".


Create Text – Start to type and text will be added wherever the "blinking cursor" is located. If you press "enter", a new text segment will be created.


Stop Playback.


Automatic Linking to Media – Having placed the cursor on the first line of text, select the "Link to Media" option on the "Media" menu. Select "Yes" when you are asked if you would like to have it linked automatically.


Click & Play – Double click on a text segment to verify that the "auto sync" has been performed correctly.
