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 Using Souvenir – Key Features

Souvenir Desktop

Souvenir Media Player

Create Your Own Notes

Link Notes to Media

Souvenir Desktop

The Souvenir Desktop application displays the notes and makes pinpoint audio & video playback possible. We have included a collection of ink and text files that are linked to Internet media.

     Triplanar View

     Document Window


     Ink & Text Manipulation

     Media Playback

Triplanar View


The Souvenir Desktop application displays the digital ink and text notes created using a palmtop, laptop and desktop computer. Once you have loaded it, you will be presented with a triplanar view, as shown below. This view displays a folder hierarchy in the upper left, the folder contents in the lower left and the currently selected document on the right - double click on any text or ink to playback media.


Triplanar View

You can toggle this view between displaying the current document in either a page oriented or thumbnail view. Double click on either the document's filename or the thumbnail to open a document window. The document window supports thumbnails and various magnifications.

Document Window


The Souvenir Document Window consists of menus, toolbar, the media timeline, document display and a status bar.

Document View


Menus duplicate the functionality available in the toolbar. Two special menus allow you to access unique features. The Segment Menu enables you to annotate, merge, split or ungroup segments, which are special groupings of digital ink. i-Recall has developed proprietary algorithms that identify interesting entry points into a media recording, based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of your taken notes. Segments can be displayed on the screen surrounded by a bounding box, such as a rectangular or minimal area bounding box. You can use the cursor to split the area of a selected segment. You can ungroup a segment into its ink strokes. You can group a collection of ink strokes, provided they are not already part of a segment. Initially, the digital ink is not segmented. You need to click "generate segments" to segment the ink. The Media Menu enables you to link the document or a segment to a media recording. A wizard will walk you through a simple process to make the assignment.

Toolbar contains the following special functions:


Current Page

Display Current Page

Current Page & Thumbnails

Display Current Page & Thumbnails of Document Pages


Display Thumbnails of Document Pages

Annotate Ink

Annotate Ink – You can annotate a selected ink segment by clicking the "annotate with text" icon. A text entry window will be placed directly below the segment into which you can enter your text. Complete your text entry by hitting "enter" or leaving the text entry area. This text segment will share its timing information with its associated ink segment.

Create Ink

Create ink – You can add ink to a document by clicking on the pen icon and using your mouse or a graphics tablet as a pen input device. The time stamps of the created ink will be equal to their time of creation. If you want the new ink segment to pinpoint to particular media moment, you can change its "start" and "end" time using the edit controls, which are located in the upper right portion of the document window.

Generate Segments

Generate Segments by analyzing the ink to create special groupings based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of your taken notes. A segment is a logical grouping of ink or text that has a "start" and "end" time. Segments are used to specify media clips and identify interesting entry points into a media recording.

Ink View

Text & Ink View

Text View

Ink and Text Views – Souvenir supports both ink and text within the same document. You can toggle between three display modes: ink only, ink & text, and text only. In the "ink only" mode, you may zoom in, out or set the ink page to fit to the display window. In "ink & text" mode, any textual annotations are displayed immediately beneath the ink with which the text is associated.

Insert Text Segment

Insert Text Segment (only visible in the "text only" view)

Delete Text Segment

Delete Text Segment

Move Segment Up

Move Segment Down

Organizing Text – You can change the ordering of the text segments. Select a segment and use the "move up" and "move down" icons to place it in the desired location. The ordering of the text segments in the "text only" view will be saved.

Media Timeline

Media timeline displays the position of the ink or text data of a document as it relates to the timeline of the associated media recording. Segments will appear in the timeline as shaded areas. Click on them to select and highlight the corresponding segment in the document display. The media timeline is only visible when the document has been linked to media.


Document display may contain either ink, text or both. It may be set to display all the pages of the current document as thumbnails on the left side of the screen.


Status bar at the bottom contains information about the number of objects on the screen that are selected, the page count, page scale and size.

Ink & Text Manipulation


Ink Selection – You can select digital ink at the "individual stroke" or "segment" level, provided the ink has been segmented. You select a segment by clicking within its bounding area but not on an individual constituent stroke.


Ink Editing – You can cut, copy and paste ink strokes and/or ink segments within or between documents using standard windows editing operations (e.g. control-c to copy, control-v to paste).


Ink Appearance – You can apply appearance attributes to the ink such as bold, italic or highlight. This is done by selecting the ink and choosing the attribute from the menu bar.


Creating Text – In "text only" view you can create text segments that are not linked to any ink segments as follows: 1) Place the cursor at the end of a text segment, press "return" and enter text. If you press "enter" again, a new paragraph will be created into which you can type. A text segment can remain empty. This is useful if you want to quickly create "bookmarks" or placeholders to be annotated later with text. 2) Select an existing text segment and click on the "insert text" icon. A new text segment will be placed above the selected segment into which you can enter text. If you want the new text segment to pinpoint to particular media moment, then you can change its "start" and "end" time using the edit controls in the upper right portion of the document window.


Editing Text – You can cut, copy and paste text within or between documents using standard windows editing operations. If you want to copy or cut a whole text segment and its associated media information, then just place the cursor in a segment and perform the desired operation. You can delete a selected text segment by clicking on the "delete" icon.

Media Playback


Click & Play – If a media recording has been linked to a Souvenir document, then double clicking on any ink or text in the document will play the media at the time associated with the note you clicked. If the media recording resides on your computer, the playback will begin instantly. If the recording is stored on a server, then a request is made via the network to have the selected moment streamed to your computer. This may take more or less time depending on your connection and network traffic.


Associate Multiple Media – Souvenir supports the playback of multiple media recordings in Souvenir document that contains segments. The data-structure of each segment stores its associated media source and relative playback offset.


Media Start Selection – In "ink only" mode, you can select the specific media moment to be played by double clicking on an individual ink stroke or ink segment. In "text only" mode, the entire paragraph shares a single "start" and "end" time.


Editing Media – You can edit and change the "start" and "end" media times of a segment via the edit controls located in the upper right portion of the document window. You select the digit you want to change and enter the desired value.
