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 Publishing Your Notes to the Web

One of the most exciting features built into Souvenir  is the ability to publish your notes to HTML.  Souvenir notes that are published to the web retain the ability to access the media that they are pointing to.  You can publish notes that are ink or text or notes that are combined ink and text by selecting the view that is on the screen when you publish to HTML. Souvenir Notes, once published, can be viewed in either Internet Explorer or in Netscape, provided that the browser has Java enabled.


To publish a document, open it in Souvenir and select the Export to Web Page option on the File menu.  The Save Dialog that appears allows you to give your exported HTML document a file name.  Additionally, you may choose to enable or disable email forwarding (see below), choose a default media player and the number of lines of text per page of HTML.  Press the Save button and Souvenir will create a small HTML file and a directory with the same name.  Open the HTML in your browser and you can jump to a specific Media moment using your published notes.


To make your notes available on the web, move the HTML and the subdirectory to a place that is visible to your web server.   Now anyone in the world can use your Souvenir notes by loading them into a browser.


Souvenir also enables you to add email capabilities to your HTML documents.  By checking the Enable email option you will add an email icon to your published notes.  When someone clicks on that icon, they will be able to fill out a form to send your note, with the associated media hyperlink, to an email address.  Enabling email forwarding requires you to load certain CGI scripts on your web server that are not included with Souvenir.
