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 Guided Tour

3 – Segmentation, Link to Media

Section THREE shows you how to organize ink or text and link it to media.


Open the document "Anthony Bay (Microsoft) Unlinked". This document has not been segmented and does not have any associated media.


Ink Segmentation – Click the "generate segment" icon Segmentation Iconto organize and segment the ink. i-Recall’s proprietary algorithms analyze the digital ink to create special groupings of related ink and to suggest media entry points based on the structure of the notes. The first page of the segmented ink should look as follows, where the ink segments are displayed on the screen surrounded by a bounding box.


Ink Segmentation


The Segment Menu enables you to merge, split or ungroup segments. You can use the cursor to split the area of a selected segment. You can ungroup a segment and retain its ink strokes. You can group a collection of ink strokes, provided they are not already part of another segment.


Link to Media – Souvenir makes it easy for you to synchronize ink or text with local or Internet media. You simply need to identify a specific moment to be linked with a specific note. Select the "Link to Media" option on the "Media" menu. A wizard will guide you through these steps:

  1. Select the media file - Enter or copy this specific URL: http://tm.intervu.net/smirror/itvu/marketing/smedia/abay128.asx, if you have high-speed access, or for 28.8 modem users, use:
    and click "Next".
  2. Select the media time position – Press "play" and wait until the "media sync" of – 00:01:09 – is reached and hit "pause". If you overshoot or want to fine tune the media position, click on the counter in the top right corner of the Media Player. Modify the counter setting by selecting the "seconds" or "minutes" portion and clicking on "up/down" icons. Once the counter setting is – 00:01:09 –, wait a few seconds so that media slider can be updated, and then click "Next".
  3. Select the note – Select the – "S" – character of the word "So" at the top of the first page as the "note sync". Click "Finish" and you have successfully linked the media.

Note that the name of the linked media file will now appear to right in the status bar. Souvenir preserves the link between your file and the media you selected.


Click & Play – Double click now on the ink to play the specific media moment linked to the ink stroke or segment you selected.
