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 Guided Tour

1 – Souvenir Desktop – Triplanar view

2 – Souvenir Document Window – Media Playback

3 – Segmentation, Link to Media

4 – Working with Ink and Text

5 – Create Ink Notes– Automatic Media Synchronization

6 – Create Text Notes – Automatic Media Synchronization


1 – Souvenir Desktop – Triplanar view

Section ONE introduces you to the Souvenir Desktop and its triplanar view for navigating, organizing and playing Souvenir documents.


The Souvenir Desktop application displays the digital ink and text notes created using a palmtop, laptop and desktop computer. Once you have loaded it, you will be presented with a triplanar view, as shown below. This view displays a folder hierarchy in the upper left, the folder contents in the lower left and the currently selected document on the right - double click on any text or ink to playback media.


Triplanar View


Click on the "thumbnails" icon, , to see thumbnails of all the document pages, as shown below.


Triplanar View with Thumbnails
